Bethel College

Penner family

Penner family

First Mennonite, Hutchinson

John & Laura engagement

John & Laura engagement

Cowtown wedding

John & Laura wedding

Newton Mid-Kansas Symphony

Peter & Sarah engagement



Ron & Helen sampler

Susan and Shorty

Susan and Shorty

Ron & Helen Wedding






June 1, Great Plains celebration

Alumni Awardees

14/6 Alumni Weekend – BEST

Peter & Sarah

Peter & Sarah wedding complete

Kauffman Director

Kristine & Henry few pics

Teresa (& Helen!)

Leading Age Board

Kristine & Henry

Arlen Fast

Sheffler family

Goerzen family

Reneau birthday

Lamp girls

AMBS Kansas Oct. 2014

14/10 Everence picnic

Bethel Christmas

Chris Lehman family

Dyck Family

Dyck Family – raw images

14/12 Graber family

14/12 Graber family

Cordero family

Cordero family

Dyck Arbor pics

goerzen family


Elizabeth & Greg

King Birthday


Bethel Grad – Newton

Bethel Grad – MWR

Bethel Grad – MWR

Bethel Grad sampler


bible school

Graham 60th

Mennonite Women

Becky's youth group

Mennonite Women – large files


prints for MC

15/8 Abi & David

15/8 Abi & David

15/8 Chris Westover

15/9 Chris final

Barnview Cottage

MWR staff

Conrad Snider

15/11 KICA

15/11 Threshing stone

15/11 Kreiders

15/12 Schrag family

bluestem samples

16/3 Legacy Jazz

North Newton Guest Housing

Krehbiel class

16/3 Marlene

Tangeman place

Soosalu family


16/7 Adrian Anniversary

16/9 Roth family

16/10 Gingerich family

16/10 WDC staff

16/10 Jenny & Max

16/11 Mika

16/11 Matthew

16/12 Buerge family

16/12 Krehbiel family


17/1 Sylvia

17/1 NMKSO

17/2 Ben & Sue Sprunger

17/3 John

New Gallery


17/4 Max & Jenny

17/4 Marlene's 80th

nurse pinning


17/6 Friesen family

17/6 Bertrand family

17/6 Bertrand final

17/6 Siemens family

17/6 Max & Jenny

17/6 Goertzen family


Snider bottle at BCMC

Bartel family

eclipse party

17/9 Garry

Mennonite Women

17/9 Zoe

17/9 MCC Flatlanders

north newton

17/9 Everence Open House


17/11 Dorothy

17/12 Houser family

17/12 C&D christmas

soldner clay mixer

Conrad Snider art

17/12 Windmill

17/9 Sharp

18/1 ReUseIt

Soldner mixers

18/1 Jake 100th Birthday

18/4 Diane

new library

18/6 North Newton Foundation dinner

18/7 Christa

18/8 KIDS

18/8 Dana

Conrad Snider Public Art

Grapevine Inn

18/12 Conrad & Diane wedding

18/12 Nickel-Friesen

Andy Brown

19/6 Stucky Family

19/6 North Newton Foundation @ Mojos

KC 2019 Service Projects

Convention BCMC

BCMC best

19/8 Celebrate Ability Party

19/8 Celebrate Ability Party

19/12 Houser family

20/1 Myers

20/1 Lehman

20/1 Lehman

20/2 NMKSO

Fall pix


fall pix for facebook

Anabaptist World

kansas city 2015 copies

MCUSA Orlando '17

Kansas City 2015

21/4 Easter Egg Hunt

21/6 Bible School

21/7 Mayhue family

21.12 Andy

22/2 NMKSO

22/5 Multifarious

Multi BEST

22/5 Friesen Anniversary

22/6 Wintermote


22/11 Wyman

23/1 NMKSO

23/10 NMKSO

23/10 NMKSO

23/11 Faul family

23/11 Faul family

23/12 Music on Site

23/12 Sprunger family

23/12 Sprunger family

Goertzen family

Goertzen family

Wichita Grand Opera

Mueller mural

Mueller mural

24/4 NMKSO

24/4 NMKSO

24/6 Andres family

24/6 Andres family